Tales of Arise In Preview: New watercolor look meets on cult

Who is a fan of Jrpgs and has been on the website of the Publisher Bandai Namco website, has certainly been still stumbled over an offshoot from the Tales of universe. Every few years fans get replenishment with other adventures. It is a bit like the Atelier games, which also have a faithful fan base, which is regularly fed with new games.

Beautiful, new watercolor world

The Tales of games have many fans who are sincerely waiting for a new adventure after appearing the Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition in 2019. With Tales of Arise, the developers start trying to maintain the popular DNA of the franchise, but above all visually to turn some screws. That the look of the game comes tremendous and radiant than ever, you have certainly seen in one or the other trailer itself.

In the optical center of Tales of Arise is the great explorable world that shines in completely unfamiliar shine. Thanks to the new atmospheric shader, the environment now looks like painted with watercolors. It is reminiscent of a fairy tale book, which you can now explore freely in large areas. The characters themselves stand with their rich colors and eye-catching costumes almost in contrast to the delicate world. During our preview session, the game ran smoothly, albeit here and there with small graphic problems.

The world of Tales of Arise has a day and night exchange, which should not only change the lighting mood. So far, however, we could not explore the benefits yet extensively. But it sounds good on the paper! Almost as good as the dishes that can be prepared in Tales of Arise to improve different values. The cook feature has grew a popular aspect across them, so he should not be missing in a JRPG like this. For our taste, however, it should be a bit more extensive than just pressing a handful of buttons.

Also positive we noticed are the Cutscenes, of which some are already seen in trailers and gameplay videos. So beautiful! If you are similarly done, you can look forward to more sequences than in the predecessors - that was already confirmed by the producer Yusuke Tomizawa.

For justice!

Of course you have an important reason to strip through the pretty landscape of Dahna, but unfortunately he is anything but beautiful: Dahna has been ruled by the star Rena for more than 300 years and suppressed. After all resources have already been stolen from the planet, one has now enslaved the Dahnäs and lets you suffer. That can not go on!

You start the game with the young fighter Alphen, who fought against this suppression together with Shionne, which flees from their compatriots of Rena. The two heroes are not long alone: ​​In the course of the game you will meet on other characters and continue with you together.

Finally no cliché characters?

Apart from the oppression of the Dahnäs, we do not know too much about the story in the game. For this we were allowed to look in a kind of short profile of the individual main characters at the beginning of our game session and learn a little more about them. Of course, we do not want to betray too much at this point, but a little praise must be quite well at this point:

According to the first sight, the figures in Tales of Arise seem not completely covered from the cliché. Each of them has a very own reason to join the group in the struggle for justice and freedom. Likewise multi-faceted, their weapons, which we unfortunately could not all be tested on their paces and kidneys so far. The same applies to the skills that remained hidden to us so far. However, we are good things that there will soon be more insights here.

Whether magical rifle, flame sword or use of Arts: The fights offer a lot of variation thanks to the different characters. Often we did not know in the effect firework, who has created the big explosion - but the main thing, the opponent takes damage! Since the attacks expire quite fast, there is also a certain momentum in the fighting.

This is supported by the Boost Beat Combos, which you can unleasify with different members of your team. Provides you as a powerful finisher against mini-mobs and devastating attacks against bosses. Underrupted by a small sequence, these combination attacks just look really cool.

More about Tales of Arise:

  • New trailer grants further views of the story
  • The file sizes of the PS4 and PS5 version

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