Closswing update information leaking, user representative staff

The incident occurred that the update information was deduced to the closure. It is a serious part of itself, but it was impacted to be a staff that the parties who leaked information were attended by the user's representative.

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Nick Games Byeolyku Hui said PD announced on the 7th, and the Closans Official Homepage has shown the information on update information leakage. Previously, the context of suspect suspected that Nick Games employees among the users has been captured and was found in the results of the survey. PD is said, "I feel deeply responsible as a total officer and I sincerely apologize to users."

As a result of the game mecca coverage, the employee attended the user representative at the Closan Users' conference held in June last year. Since then, I proposed an incident in Nad Games, and I was adopted in July last year after a procedure with general recruitment. After the incidence, we were in charge of the system part sub-service for four months, and from November, the character work was taken on the content part. Since then, it is a situation that it is a situation in which the game has emerged for update information to the community.

"The PD of the PD of the PD is currently checking the transportation and facts for the subjects who received information and information. We will mobilize all the means and methods that the company can take on all of the personnel as much as a very serious matter, and will take action without tolerance. "I promise to work closely, and I promise to do a hard work, so that the similar thing will happen again later."

On the other hand, detailed survey results and the disposition of the parties will be announced later.
