Chaosdemons and Cathay in TWW3: The campaign card from Warhammer 3

In Total was: Warhammer 3 breaks off the hell! The roar of a dying god unleashes the dark powers of chaos and calls new heroes and villains on the plan. The race against time begins. Which faction will secure the power of God? The development team of Creative Assembly invited our editor a few days ago to the second virtual game event of TWO 3 and of course we tell you how it is the third part of the successful strategy game series.

After our last trip to the Kingdom of the Blood God Horne, we finally let off steam on the campaign card at the second virtual game event of TWO 3. Two brand-new fractions were waiting for us — the demons of the chaos and the Empire Cathay. Besides two campaigns, we have a first look at the brand-new groups, gaming elements and features of Total: Warhammer 3 (Buy Now €55.99) Let's throw.

Total was: Warhammer 3 appears on February 17, 2022 for the PC and will be available on Steam, Epic Games Store and many other dealers. The third part also comes to the launch in the Xbox Game Pass for PC.

The Story: Ur sun, Be'labor and the Soul smiths

Ur sun is a powerful God, but even he has not grown the powers of the chaos. Will you save or sacrifice the Bear god? Source: Creative Assembly But before we fall in the first fight, the second gaming event learn more about the story of TWO 3. Each of the eight campaigns begins with the narrative of a magician, which reports by the fall of the mighty God Ur sun. He represents strength and is considered the father of all bears. The Bear god is revered mainly in Kislev and in the far north, where bears are considered sacred animals. And though run is one of the most powerful gods in the Pantheon's Pantheon, the Bear God came into the catches of chaos when he held hibernation.

The powers of the chaos set Ur sun in the deepest darkness of the Soul smiths, where he is tortured by the legendary demon prince called Be'labor to death. Be'labor hopes that he rises to a God with the blood and the soul of Ur sun himself. The curse of the chaos gods lasted on Be'labor and his greatest wish is to escape from his own prison.

To turn this terrible fate, a noble Ungolprinz from Kislev broke into the north to free Ur sun. But in search of the Bear god, the prince got into the catches of the chaos itself. Instead of riding Ur sun, the young man attacked the God and shot him a cursed ball in the heart. Since then, Ur sun is dying. Nevertheless, the Bear god does not make up so easily. Sometimes his fogged spirit awakens, and he finds the power to roar. Ur sun's reputation is so loud that he leaves the boundaries between the chaos kingdom and the world of mortals for a short time.

Eight new fractions

The magician who tells us this story can see Ur sun's torment in the magical foliage of fate. He hopes himself that a drop of Ur sun's blood solves his own curse and freed him from the bondage of the book. For this he is ready to close an alliance with each people of the old world. And here the eight new factions come into play.

  • Kislev
  • Kaiserreich Cathay
  • Horne
  • Burgle
  • Spanish
  • Chaos demons
  • Over king

Each faction pursues its own interests in the case of Ur sun. While the people of Kislev put everything to save their damaged god, the Rogers want to just do their meat in order to gain Ur sun's divine strength.

The Soul smith campaign

In his death struggle, the reputation of the Bear god run opens the gates into the rich of the chaos. Enter the violet quirks to travel there. Source: Creative Assembly On the whole, the soul smith campaign will begin for all factions. All players must first consolidate their power entitlement in the respective province and conquer several cities and settlements and expand them. Incidentally, your diplomatic relationships build on your neighbors and recruits a powerful army.

  • If Ur sun, the beer god of Kislev, winds in pain, then roars so loudly that cracks arise between the chaos kingdom and the world of mortals. These then appear on the campaign card in the form of violet stone formations.
  • You can enter these monks and travel to the realm of a chaos god. Otherwise, you can use the cracks for a trip to another area on the campaign card. But attention! As long as the monk outs are active, the corruption of the chaos increases in your province. To pretend to an invasion of the chaos, you can close the dimensional gate immediately.
  • The first big goal of the campaign is clear. You have to visit all four chaos-rich people and challenge the champions of the respective chaos god. The highlight of these trips is the fight against a demon prince whose soul needs her as a key to get into the soul smiths.
  • Have you conquered the four souls from the biggest champions of the chaos, then you can open the gates of the soul smiths. There you can expect Be'labor and its tremendous demons.
  • In this last battle, you finally decide on the fate of Ur sun. Do you let the Bear god die or try to free it? The decision is with you!

Two factions in the test match

At the gaming event, the developers of Ca introduced us the two new factions — Chaos demons and the Empire Cathay. The test match consisted of 50 game rounds on both campaign cards. The playing time was scarce! Nevertheless, we gave ourselves a good first impression of both chaos daemons and Cathay.

Chaos demons

From another act to a horrible act, the Unwolprinz has been completely abandoned in exchange for devastating blessings of all chaos gods and ascension into the demon stand. The newly appointed demon prince deposits his mortal form and assumes a constantly changing figure, which likes his new protective ranges better, which continues to fight for his held soul.

Now it is the fate of the demon prince to command the legions of the undivided chaos and to lead with them for eternal war against whole nations and immortal adversaries in order to practice his terrible revenge on rulers and gods. Will he take a single master for themselves or take a way that leads him to unrestricted power and thus into the eternal damnation?

The gameplay

The developers of CA really surprised us with the chaos daemons! The team previously introduced us only the four large chaos gods — Horne, Burgle, Genentech and Spanish. The chaos daemons complement this unholy quartet and offer the player a versatile army, which represents all four chaos powers. As a leader of the legions of the chaos her fame collects to rise in the favor of the chaos gods.

Demon Prince Which chaos god can it be today? In TWO 3 you should design your demon prince to your heart's content! Source: Creative Assembly The Dim of the overview of the dark gifts of the chaos. The more demonic fame you collect, the more gifts you can unlock for your demon prince. Source: Creative Assembly Overprint acts as a legendary lord and literally sets the desecration of chaos daemons the nine-zip-like chaos crown. As a creature of the chaos, you do not have a constant figure, you can change it at any time, which makes the demon prince to the most dangerous opponents in the world of TWO 3. Thanks to demonic glory, you get access to almost all demon units of the four chaos gods. The more glory you collect, the more demon gifts you turn off in the game. These are all sorts of dark gifts that can equip your condition and combine with each other.

Demonic fame Each demon prince must prove itself on the battlefield, only so he can earn the favor of the chases. Demonic fame is displayed in a progress tree. By gaining fame, you can unlock new demon gifts and adapt the appearance of your demon prince.

dark rise After gathering a large amount of demonic fame, you can choose whether your demon prince rises to the champion of one of the four choosers or the champion of the undivided chaos. Have you decided for a particular God, then unique demon gifts wave to make you unstoppable fighting machine. But the gifts of the undivided chaos are worth a look. The gifts of the undivided chaos are not as powerful as that of a particular God, they are much more versatile.

Campaign: The scourge of the old world

Chaos demons impress with a versatile army prepared for every opponent! Source: Creative Assembly The prince of Kislev, who made a name for himself in the chaosreich as a god house, returns as a demon prince in the world of mortals. Our first demonic adventure starts in the far north in the Icahn mountains. Our first and most important task is to conquer the ruins of a castle and then build them to a fortress. From there we start our first robbery by the province. In the first battle against Norse, our demon prince collects a lot of demonic fame, which we invest immediately in demon gifts.

The talent and progress tree of the demon prince is a true highlight of TWO 3! We have unlocked a large selection of different dark gifts within a few tickets. We can then select these in the character window. Furthermore, we have customized and modified every body part of our hero. These adjustments also change the shape of the demon prince. And the best part is that we were allowed to distribute the gifts free. This means that we can easily adapt ourselves to the army of the opponent before each fight.

We were astonished like versatile the desecration of chaos daemons in the test match was. Thanks to demonic fame and an army, which consisted of many units, no opponent really caused ourselves to a high degree of difficulty. Nevertheless, we had to plan well and explore our enemies in advance to prepare for the best possible way. The dark gifts of the chaos gods proved to be a true gift in our excursions in the four great riches of the chaos. After all, every chaos god has a counter player whose gifts are particularly effective in the battle. For example, those who venture into the kingdom of the Horne must keep in mind that the henchmen of the blood any have a resistance to magic. The work of magic is also difficult in his kingdom. Therefore, you'd rather waive the magical gifts of Genentech and rather put on gifts from Father's Burgle. That sounds complicated, but since many gifts are self-explanatory, you have the rotary out of pretty fast.

Empire Cathay

Behind the mourning mountains, beyond the steppes, lies the legendary Empire of Cathay. Those traveling the east tell after their return of cities from Jade and Golden Pagodas. They report strange creatures such as snake-like dragons and tremendous rock guards, as well as flying sky shades that leave their colorful firepower from the sky. However, above all, they report on severally, disciplined armies that advance to defend their kingdom — thousands of devoted foot soldiers who are unshakable in their loyalty and internalize the rhythm of war like no other army.

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The Empire Cathay occupies the great bastion in the north, that country, which has defended his armies for millennia against enemy invaders and the powers of the corruption to the blood. The eternal fight against the chaos crowded Cathay for a long time to the edge of the story, which possibly proves to be a blessing for the nations in the West. But with totally: Warhammer 3 returns the Empire Cathay to the big stage of the old world. Nobody can predict whether the heavenly dragon's emperor will be satisfied with his role as a steadfast defender of the East, after all, he dreams of a large caiserreich Cathay in which the sun does not go down.

The gameplay

To prove you as a leader of the Empire Cathay, you have to fulfill three important tasks: the harmonious balance within the Empire maintain, manage the compass of Wu-Xing and expand your trade routes via ivory road.

Harmony As it is about harmony in Cathay, you can read on the big artful lotus beam, which can be seen at the top of the screen. Source: Creative Assembly The Empire Cathay builds on the balance of the mystical powers Yin and Yang. The harmonious balance is the first important point to always pay attention to the Cathay player. This game element is a bit complex. Imagine the whole thing as a scale whose scales can actively influence her with your decisions in the game. Each time you choose a Lord, builds a building, a unit recruited or a new technology explores, the balance shifts in one or the other direction.

Who reaches the perfect balance, i.e. the golden center of the beam, gets special bonuses in the game. These include, for example, reduced costs for construction and research or strong buffs, of which your army benefits on the battlefield. If you can not preserve the balance, then wave big disadvantages. The penalties become worse, the farther the balance tilts. In the worst case, you will not recruit specific units or build buildings. The compass of Wu-Xing is the magical heart of Empire Cathay. As a heavenly ruler, you influence the fate of your kingdom with the Watching compass. Source: Creative Assembly The compass of WU-XING The Wu-Xing Compass is a magical relic that Cathay has protected for millennia before the dangers lurking in the north, beyond the big bastion. With the WU-XING compass you can directly influence the winds of magic in Cathay and use its power, for example, to strengthen your defense, increase your prosperity and redirect perishable magic back into the northern desert.

The ivory street Goes great prosperity by sending your caravans with their precious freight in distant cities of the West. Source: Creative Assembly The trade did not play a major role in TWO. For the Empire Cathay, however, trade relations with the Western nations are supervising! The Ivory Strafe is the only trade connection between the west of the old world and the Far East. The commercial route is a new feature that was the gameplay of Total: Warhammer 3 spare a bit open and in the game definitely offers a little more variety. As hero of Cathay, you would have to actively use the trading system of Ivory Street in the game and continue to expand.

Because the ivory road grants great advantages to the group of Cathay. The most important advantage is the caravans who recruit them as units and send them through the map into different directions (especially in the south and west). You can also decide before departure how many resources want to invest a caravan. With a large investment, of course, your profit grows, the caravans should achieve their destinations without prejudice. But the more magnificent a caravan is, the greater the danger that looters and sealant attracts them. If they have their bad luck, then go the caravan and lots of gold flutes.

THE The best thing about the caravans is that they reveal the campaign card like an army. This gives you a good overview of the moves of your opponent. You can also make diplomatic relationships with the fractions on far away places.

Well, a few little mangos is there: unlike your soldiers, the caravans can not be controlled directly. However, you can influence the travel of the unit indirectly with decisions. You can choose the more secure but less lucrative way, or fully at risk. Have you sold your goods at the destination, then it is no longer worthwhile for a while to drive the same settlement again. This circumstance forces you to virtually open new trade routes.

Campaign: Mao Ying and the view to the north

In our test match, we slipped into the role of legendary leader Mao Ying. The lady is a true storm dragon and legends report that they are older than the gods themselves. Mao Ying is the guardian of the Great Wall, consequently we are responsible for the protection of northern provinces. We also have to ensure that the bastion remains intact in the north. The big wall is quasi our life insurance. Should the wall break, then the large corn rich is overrun within few pieces of plays of invaders.

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Each bastion carries the name of a mighty ancestral spirit and forms the transition between the chaos desert and the Reich Cathay. Our test game started in the shadow of the Great Wall. The first task of Mao Ying was to rebuild a destroyed bastion and strengthen its defense. However, the first mission quickly became a skirmish command. Because right at the beginning of the campaign there is the bare chaos in the northern province. Nobody lower than the Chaosgott Teeth apart from the Empire Cathay. With its perishable magic, the Lord of Change destroyed the balance between Yin and Yang, and stacked the neighboring cities to rebellion against Mao Ying. That meant that in addition to the expansion of bastion, we had to master several other challenges at the same time.

In addition to the beam for the harmonious balance, there is a further bar to the right, which indicates the growing threat by the chaos. This allowed us to see every time how strong the armies of the chaos are set up at the moment. The further the beam filled up, the more invaders stood in front of our door.

The best way to keep the powers of chaos in the fence was the compass of Wu-Xing. Thus, we redirected the winds of the magic into the desert and thus counteracts the perishable influence of Genentech. But we still did not get to beat the smaller controls in flight to the smaller chaostrodes to prevent them to join a powerful army. In calmer moments, the compass also helped us build defenses. The coefficient of Cathay in the battle to lead us a lot of fun.

The flying sky shades and the fleshes shooting on the battlefield powerful a lot of impression! The legendary heroine Mao Ying needed not to hide in the fight. Her magic drifted the army of Cathay to high performance, she can also turn into a dragon, which makes it a dangerous opponent in melee.

Who wants to master the campaign of the Empire Cathay, must keep in mind with several game mechanics. Source: Creative Assembly What, however, has made us less fun, is the game with harmony. This game element makes the Cathay group unique but also very complicated. With every turn we had to pay attention to tens at the same time. Each of our decisions had an influence on the balance between Yin and Yang. What sounds like a cool game mechanics, but quickly proved to be a fun killer in stressed game rounds. It was almost impossible for us to keep the perfect balance, because even the recruiting of new troops to tilt the scales immediately into a certain direction. Yes, every unit belongs to Yin or Yang. Have you recruited too many of a variety, then threaten great disadvantages. The recruiting and entertainment costs for the troops of the other sort then increase rapidly, which causes your state treasure to be completely emptied within fewer rounds.

The harmony also influences peace in your empire. Was the balance disturbed, then we fell to build heavy diplomatic relations with our neighbors, while Trench continued to steal the fire of rebellion in our province. The uprisings in turn delayed our travels into the rich of the chaos. Before you sees yourself, you are trapped in a vicious circle, from which it is difficult to escape. Since the beginners will certainly be overwhelmed quickly. For players who were in total: Warhammer 3 looking for a challenge, Empire Cathay is just right!
